DDL users will handle and work in the vicinity of various hazardous materials. These materials not only have the potential to injure people, they may also damage other ongoing sensitive processes in the laboratory. Thus it is critical that no unknown or incompatible substances be introduced into the lab without prior clearance.
Before bringing a new chemical/material into the DDL, users must get prior approval from the Laboratory Operations and Safety Team (LOST). LOST will review the item to determine its safety for personnel and its compatibility with other chemicals and processes in the DDL. Restrictions in how or where certain chemicals/materials may be used in the DDL may be made, based on various considerations including:
- Whether the chemical/material may damage a process that is currently being or may be conducted in the lab
- The type of personal protective equipment necessary to handle the chemical/material
- The disposal method to be used (handled as regular trash or hazardous waste)
The chemical/material can be brought into the lab once the parameters have been established as to where, when, and how it is to be used and disposed.